How To Beat The Grow Less Than Galaxili BTD6 Challenge!

Another Bloons TD6 Update and another batch of fresh and hard challenges from the New Zealand based game studio Ninja Kiwi. This time we get a new concept revolving around the idea of a limited amount of tower upgrades to beat a map. In the challenge “Grow less than Galaxili!” it is therefore your turn to beat the map “Geared” on hard difficulty.

Video guide

As this challenge can get quite confusing on higher rounds i recommend watching the video guide as an explanation. Below you can find a few more additional tips.

How to beat the challenge – key elements

1. Make sure to have a defense for all kinds of bloons – twice!

As the gear in the middle in the map turns 1/8 of a rotation every round make sure that you have defense for all bloons classes on both sides. Two wizards monkeys (0-3-2) will do a good job of slashing through most of you problems.

2. Banana plantage – “investing upgrades”

Starting early with the Banana plantage seems like a stupid idea as it takes at least 3 upgrades away from our tight budget. The trick behind this idea is to invest these 3 upgrades to be able to afford the much more expensive upgrades for other towers in the later game.

3. Late game: super monkey to the win

As the game proceeds to the end it is wise to use the super monkey (0-2-3) upgrade as it offers the ability to jump across the map thus allowing it to always stay on the side facing the bloons track. Make sure to always use this ability as early as possible as the other side of the gear will get out of reach. Additionally this upgrade path also allows the super monkey to handle tarn bloons.


The new “Grow less than Galaxili!” is a fun but quite difficult new BTD6 challenge that came with the latest update. Using the super monkey technique and the help of this guide you can easily cope with it. Have fun!

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