People Playground Game Review – What am I even looking at?

People Playground is a full on sandbox game with a lot of freedom to act. It has been developed by mestiez and was released 2019. In its escence it offers, for some unknown disturbing reason, the possibility to do whatever you want with human ragdoll models. Lets take a closer look at this rather weird game and the possibilities to modify it!

Gameplay – Bomb goes boom

try out whatever comes to your mind

Regarding the gameplay People Playground is a true sandbox game without any story elements. Equipped with a load of random items capable of destruction you are let loose to the most basic environment possible: a black box. You now have the power to let your dreams or rather nightmares run free and experiment with the big tool set on, well, people. And yes this does not only sound weird but IS also quite unusual.

You can give the ragdolls cars, buses and tanks, you can bomb them with atomic bombs, shoot them with weird science fiction guns and medieval simple axes. The brutality that this description already harolds is also visible in form of quite realistic gore adding to the rather brutal factor of the game.

Big assortment of violent items and elements

assortmend of weapons around a magnet

People Playground, even when not modded, features a large amount of possible items to select from. Most of them tho are very violent and are not advised for everyone. To really like this game you will need a certain immunity to the brutality happening in the game, even when the “people” are just pixel.


playing with fire

All the elements and items the game offers are sorted in different categories like explosives, vehicles, medics, etc. and stored in the side bar on the left. An item can be spawned by pressing E after selecting it in the sidebar. Furthermore your mouse basically is in god mode and is able to freeze objects, activate, ignite, and control them by pulling and pushing them around the map. As another option to interact with the game there is also a power menu on the right in which you can select alternative superpowers for your mouse pointer such as fire, attraction, lightning and lift.

Physics and Graphics – Ragdolls are fun

Jet engine blasting at people ant thermometers? No problem

Despite the quite unusual theme of People Playground, the physics engine behind it is quite well made making it a lot of fun to play around with the ragdolls and elements from the toolbox. Although the texture of the models themselves are very simple in a pixel style, the graphics of everything else is really well made. As already mentioned this includes the gore but also the fire animations, shots being fired and bomb explosions.

Modification possibilities

playing snake in People Playground

This is not the first time on this website that we talk about how much we love modifications for games. If you are like us you will be happy to hear about the extensive modding possibility of this game. Over the years the quite active modding community made over 600,000 add ons that you can easily download and add to your game via the Steam workshop. These mods range from complex machines to whole other games build inside People Playground. A popular example is snake and even Five Nights at Freddys.


People Playground: People Playground is a full on sandbox game based around experimenting with humanoid ragdoll models. The gore in the game is quite visual and with many possibilities for some brutal actions this game is definitely not for everyone. If you don't mind these circumstances and like sandbox games I would advise getting the game on a Steam sale for 0,99€. GLPC: phantom

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