Raft-like space adventure – First Look at Life Not Supported

Life Not Supported is a hardcore survival and adventure game developed by Sam Stubbings playing in the lonely orbit of a distant earth like planet. The game is set to be released on 26.06.2023, but you are currently able to play the “next fest” demo of it on Steam. Lets take a closer look at the new space survival game!

Surviving in space is hard

starting point

In the survival game Life Not Supported you start on a small piece which was once part of the space station orbiting the earth like planet. Apparently you are the only person that has survived the destruction of the spacecraft. You now need to survive in the harsh environment by collecting small pieces of basic material that you can find in the orbit around you. This concept is quite similar to another popular game named Raft which basically works the same way but the setting is on an ocean. While you need to throw your hook in Raft, in Life Not Supported you simply float up to the objects and gather them.

installed beacon guiding the way

But don’t be mislead by the seemingly more easy gathering because the spacesuit your character is wearing needs air bottles for fuel and for keeping you breathing. Moreover you need to keep track of the direction you are flying as it is quite is easy to get lost in the vast space. Thankfully the developer thought of that and build in a beacon that can be crafted and placed on your provisionary shelter. Should you now go on to longer trips away from you spacecraft you can see it from far away.

Duct tape to the rescue

Duct Tape build menu

At the moment the game has a really good amount of basic crafting blueprints to offer but as it is not even released yet so you can expect that to change in the near future to include even more elements. When you aren’t building something with the duct tape you are holding the general working tool of the game is a crowbar. Is this a reference to Half Life the mighty origin of all modern first person shooter games? Well to be honest we don’t know but it is quite a cool touch to the emergency situation the game plays in.

Stunning graphics

stunning view onto earth

Graphic wise it already looks great for a game fresh out of development. It is quite clear that the developer took much time to set the texture bar high, resulting in an truly beautiful view on the planet you are orbiting. The textures of parts, tools and stuff the player interacts with are also well designed. In general the game builds not only on a concept that reminds of Raft but also the texture is quite similar with the cartoonish but realistic and utiliaristic look.

Bugs and Alpha Demos

comet shower flying by the player

Don’t get me wrong, a not even released game demo can’t really be judged for a few bugs and issues as this is totally normal with games in early development. But in most cases the amount and significance of bugs in pre release games can already indicate the time it will take for it to become really good. Regarding Life Not Supported this actually seems like not a big issue at all. I did only encounter small graphic bugs and a few physics bugs were my player would be repelled weirdly from parts floating around.

You will also get thrown around pretty badly from comet showers appearing randomly so make sure you have a protection against them as they definitely are not only graphic bugs but real dangers for you poor astronaut :). Furthermore the FPS performance of the game is also totally acceptable for a demo game with these kind of graphics but should be improved as it currently is quite heavy even on higher end hardware.


Life Not Supported (Demo): Life Not Supported is a hardcore space survival game in which the player needs to survive in the harsh environment of an earth-like planet. Even the demo version already features a great variety of parts and good graphics. With its Raft like concept the game demo is fun to play and makes one thrilled to see the first release. GLPC: phantom

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Get Life Not Supported here:

Should you be intersted in other space themed games, check out our review of Kerbal Space Program and Spaceflight Simulator.

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